Peter M. May

B.Sc. Hons., M.Sc. (Cape Town, South Africa), Ph.D. (St Andrews, Scotland).

Longstanding experience in solution chemistry research: 8 years at the University of Wales (Cardiff, U.K.) and 28 years at Murdoch University (Western Australia); member of the former AJ Parker CRC for Hydrometallurgy; particular emphasis on modelling of metal-ligand interactions as a function of composition and temperature and on the experimental determination of physicochemical data; interest also in bioinorganic applications; frequent involvement with the minerals industry (Chemical Speciation and Physicochemical Properties of Bayer Liquors; Cyanide Waste Management; High Pressure Acid Leaching of Nickel Laterites); over 200 research publications.

Chemistry, Murdoch University, WA 6150, Australia.

Phone: +61-8-9360-6068;   Email: