HLPWWW (Version 8.7) JESS copyright (C) 1985-2019
Licensee : Webmaster, Murdoch University, Australia
Welcome. Saturday, 27-Jul-24 16:34
JESS Development Facilities
*.BAT files in \ZIP
SEARCH filnam string
       searches all files (filnam) for string
SDD jesdir
       set default JESS directory to jesdir
GET unitnam
       extracts single subroutine or program (unitnam) from JESS
       and creates file of same name in current directory
*.BAT files in JESDEV\DZIP
       scans Jess libraries and (re-)creates code map of DEVELS/...
       Uses programs in EXEC\ rather than LOCAL/XQT since the
       map is required at the earliest opportunity during system
       implementation. Map can be inspected using program VEWMAP.
       Code map files are stored in DEVELS/CODMAP.
MAKONE prgnam
       extracts (prgnam) source code from Jess libraries and compiles
       it with full optimization (debugging options switched off).
       Only source code mapped under DEVELS/ included.
       Provide scripts with lists of programs to be compiled (using
       MAKONE) for each interface ***.
       Provides script with list of all MAK*** scripts, thus
       generating the full suite of Jess executable programs
       in production (optimized) mode. These executable modules
       are then stored in LOCAL/XQT.
FTN prgnam
       extracts (prgnam) source code from Jess libraries and compiles
       it with debugging options switched on.  Produces prgnam.obj
       Only source code mapped under JesDev/Lib/... is included.
       Typically operated in directory Jess81\JesDev\TST\Rub.
COR prgnam
       extracts source code from Jess libraries referenced by the
       the prgnam module created beforehand by FTN.
       Only source code mapped under DEVELS/ is included, and then
       only if the routine is not present under JesDev/Lib/...
       (Thus, the source under JesDev/Lib/... is used preferentially
       over that in DEVELS/.) Produces jescor.obj
LNK prgnam
       Links together object modules created by FTN and COR.
       Produces prgnam.exe, ready to execute, possibly in debug mode.
       scans Jess library and (re-)creates code map of JesDev/Lib/...,
       as required whenever changes are made to routines therein,
       i.e. new routines are introduced or calls to routines modified
PULL subsysnam jesdir
       extracts individual programs and routines from JESS code
       directory (jesdir) for specified sub-system (subsysnam);
       done by applying program CUTFOR
PUSH subsysnam jesdir
       collects together individual programs and routines from current
       directory and copies them to JESS code directory (jesdir) as a
       specified sub-system (subsysnam); usually used to implement
       code that has been under development in the JESS library;
       done by applying program SEWFOR